RSJ Reflections

A Hearty Welcome from Ellen to the Community!
Posted on August 16, 2018 4:39 PM by Admin
Categories: Ellen's Corner
I am very excited to see the launch of our new Rancho San Juan Community website!!  The capabilities built into this portal are a critical link in our desire for improved communication between the HOA Board, management company and our residents.  
A big "thank you" goes out to our two residents who stepped up to get this committee going:  Jim Williams (chair) and Bert Chiu.  They have been a pleasure to work with, and considering they have completed this initial roll out within four months of committee formation is a testament to their dedication to this effort.  Not only did the committee get a big "wish list" of capabilities, they never said "no".  Work will continue to improve, add, modify and adjust as our needs change, but the portal will enable us to:
  1. To ELIMINATE Facebook as a form of communication for our HOA and have it solely for social messaging as it was originally intended
  2. To DELIVER "push" email communications to residents, including meeting agendas, minutes, newsletters and event notices along with any emergency notifications deemed necessary
  3. To ELIMINATE mailings (unless required to be mailed by law) to save on copying charges, printing and postage
  4. The ABILITY to take informal polls on issues involving our neighborhood
  5. To PROVIDE all HOA-related documents online and in one place along with being able to contact the management company with the ease of a "click"
  6. To ORGANIZE a library of FAQs for quick answers to frequently asked questions along with a listing of neighbor recommended vendors (landscape; handyman, etc.)
  7. Lastly, to PROVIDE a forum for residents to ask questions and get quick answers from the HOA
In my mere six months on the Board, I have found every single resident that I've spoken to about an issue to be respectful and considerate.  Yes, we do have neighborhood issues, but I think we can all use a Q&A forum to our advantage and keep it polite and courteous.  So, I promise to try not to "over" communicate, which can be just as bad as "under" communicating, but again, THANK YOU to Jim Williams and Bert Chiu for this huge step forward for our little community.
In closing, I would kindly ask that EVERY family in our beautiful community to REGISTER on this website platform.  It's going to be a win/win situation for all, and we look forward to using it a lot in the immediate future!
Comment By: Kayleigh Bennett
Posted on August 27, 2018 1:47 PM
Thank you Ellen and website committee! This site looks great and I know will be a great resource for the whole community!
Comment By: Bert Chiu
Posted on August 27, 2018 11:42 PM
Thank you Kayleigh ... we’ve been working hard as a team to get this site to where it is ... and it’ll continue to grow and evolve!
Comment By: Nicolette Myers
Posted on August 29, 2018 8:46 AM
Thank you for this site! We just moved from St.Louis to SOCAL and appreciate any repeated messages that may seem redundant to the group. Neighborhood rules, safety issues, utility info, outings, meetings etc! I read the FB posts often to keep up. Any other advice on getting “in the know”? Look forward to meeting you all and to helping keep our community safe and valuable!
Comment By: Janet Little Carone
Posted on August 30, 2018 10:26 PM
Wow! A big thank you to our President, Ellen and the committee that put this together. It looks amazing. I can see it will bea great asset to our community. We are lucky to have such dedicated people helping to make our community great. I know this undertaking took an abundant amount of work.
Comment By: Diane Medrick
Posted on September 4, 2018 10:48 AM
This site is great! Thanks!
Comment By: Katlyn Williams
Posted on September 18, 2018 1:53 PM
This all looks and sounds so wonderful. Thank you Ellen for your detailed response an thanks to everyone (board members especially) who volunteers their limited free time to work make our neighborhood better. Unfortunately my job has me preoccupied on Tuesday evenings so I miss the meetings but I would love to volunteer and get involved with keeping unauthorized vehicles and persons maintained
Comment By: Karan Bartnick
Posted on October 6, 2018 11:22 AM
Yes, I would like to add a hearty note of apprecation and gratitude to all who contributed in the creation and launch of this wonderful website. I do not Facebook and found it hard if not impossible to stay abreast of what is going on in the community. Again, THANK YOU!!!!

Last Edited: 10/08/2018 at 10:36 AM